Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How To Train Your Dog | Puppy Training Videos | Best Way to Train a Puppy

How To Train Your Dog | Puppy Training Videos | Best Way to Train a Puppy

For your FREE 3 Day Trial of the best online video dog training program please Visit Some of the things you'll learn on Doggy Dan's site congaing puppy training videos are how to train your dog, and the best way to train a puppy. This video is sort of a virtual tour of the online dog trainer and this tour is specifically for people with new puppies wondering what they can actually get from the site. So he is me with my little puppy, I just had to include that at the beginning this is Moses who were going to talk about in a second and I wanted to just talk about this site as being more than just a way for you to learn sit down or stay. #rottweilertraining #daschundtraining #shihtzutraining This is where you can understand your dog and understand how to integrate them into part of the family which is what most people are looking for, so this is just the main page when you when you first come to the site along the top here you've got the main headings home page. Pack leader section that's actually key we'll touch on that in a second and the puppy training section. There's also obviously loads about dog problems that's a huge section dog training is where you can take it to the next level It's a bit more advanced and the forum where you can chat with other people and have a look at all the questions which have been asked Now back to the main page and the Pack Leader we've got the Pack Leader introduction in this page which helps you understand the importance of becoming the pack leader using my five golden rules which you won't find anywhere else and this is absolutely key if you want to have a fantastically trained puppy or you got a dog behavioral issues this is the stuff which is really going to keep you safe. There is white board sessions, blackboard sessions there are videos and underneath you can see here there's a just hit play, that's an audio, it's about a 30 minute audio recording brilliant if you're passionate about dogs or you got a tricky puppy or you just want to really suck up all the information that you can get your hands on. Once you understood that you need to be the Pack Leader you can click on any of these five rules as you implement all of them. Each page has got a couple of videos on it that you need to understand and implement with your new puppy. #germanshepherdtraining #goldenretrievertraining Another concept here, another kind a concept is the energy meter. Understanding the energy of your dog went to work with them when you need to calm them down is really crucial. #puppytraining #dogtraining #labradortraining Here on puppy training now I'm gonna jump down to project Moses, this is... these are... that's eight weeks old, all the videos are made of Moses when he was eight weeks old so there's loads videos thereby bringing him home crate training him, leaving in the first night on his own, and how to deal with all that crying, and it shows you him slowly growing up into a big boys. So there you have it, back to the main page and a puppy training we've got lots of other sections, have really got no time to go into, but general health, a Getting Started stuff to do before you bring your puppy home and how to get your puppy off to the perfect start, then meeting the world. Make nothing of it is how to desensitize your dog or puppy to everything whether it's a hair clippers or nail clippers, a cat, it could be a bicycle, anything and then meeting at other dogs is really about understand how to socialize your puppy properly. #beagletraining #buldoogtraining #yorkshiretraining Behavior issues, toilet training, submissive urination, barking, chewing, mouthing and biting, jumping up stealing, crying when left, and digging. These are the issues you gonna be facing. I know because I've done this for many, many years now so under and each of these headings is a video in an explanation on exactly what to do. #terriertraining #boxertraining #poodletraining Inside the site I've even included some videos of my puppy socialization classes. He is my two big dogs having a drink with the 12 year old Griffin and a fourteen we call Steffi Crossin. I've included things like this so that you can really start understand dog behavior and what's going on. So that's the end of the tour, there's hours and hours more footage inside the site and has more videos being added all the time but hopefully that just gives you a bit of an idea that this is much more than just a collection of videos training you to teach your puppy to do a sit down and stay. I'm Doggy Dan, thanks ever so much for watching this video, love your dog! Hopefully I'll see you inside the site. DogTrainingTipsIL

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